понедељак, 17. октобар 2011.

On Wheels


Cars - Apart from they have become an integral part of everyday life, a great business, an essential part of the industry in every state , they recently got the role in another field - in the art! Whether they are a brand new or used cars, they have become a subject of interest and work of many designers, photographers and painters. What is the main reason for this? Marketing interest? The fact that they are all around us? Perhaps, by simply, loving cars? The answer remains an enigma, because every artist has Its own reasons.
You can see interesting photos, posters and billboards ,almost everywhere!
What is it about them that occupies our minds so much ? Perhaps the answer to that question lies in the fact that the cars, in time, become a symbol of prestige, luxury and money.
In any case, enjoy the new models, pictures, and of course - the ride !

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